Falconry, once the sport of kings is "the taking of wild quarry in it's natural state and habitat by the means of a trained raptor".

Hi I'm Terry, I'm 25 years old and live in Surrey. I am a self employed removals man, but my passion lies in falconry. When I have enough experience I hope to one day earn my keep from my interest, so that I can fly these birds as much as possible. After much research I am about to embark on the practicalities of falconry, please join me along my way.

I have had an interest in Hawks since childhood, over the years this has grown to an extreme. Having recently been given the long awaited opportunity to train a bird of prey I have decided to document my venture to others interested in the skilful art of falconry. All going to plan in a couple of weeks I will be taking on a Harris Hawk as my first bird. I will let you know the ins, the outs, the highs, the lows, the joys and the pitfalls, of the patient time consuming art.

Harris Hawk

Harris Hawk


Me and a Red Tail Buzzard

My girlfriend Rachael (the photographer)